Restore Clear Eyesight

New Study from University of Illinois College of Medicine: Try This Simple 6 Second Habit to Improve Your Eyesight Tonight

(Works like a charm for macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinopathy, floaters, and blurred vision)

Researchers from the University of Illinois College of Medicine have discovered a new retina cell linked to vision loss. Studies show this cell lives in the retina but communicates directly with the brain. Previously, scientists believed vision loss primarily resulted from damage to rods and cones in the retina. But this new discovery is challenging conventional wisdom.

These researchers discovered that vision loss is often due to a communication breakdown between these retina cells and the brain. More specifically, a breakdown in the electrical image signals. When images and light hit the retina, they’re converted into electrical signals. These signals must then be sent to the brain for interpretation. This is how the process of eyesight works. 

But there’s a problem. According to scientists, these special signal-decoding retina cells get damaged and die. And when this happens, those electrical vision signals never make it to the brain. Multiple factors contribute to this mass exodus of retina decoder cells. Things like excess UV exposure, high blood sugar, and age. And the older we get, the more of these crucial decoder cells die off.

This is why people without other eye problems can still lose their eyesight as they age. And studies show this is becoming more and more common. This newly discovered retina problem is linked to all major vision loss conditions. Macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, blurred vision, floaters, cataracts…you name it.

But thanks to the hard work of these researchers at the University of Illinois, other experts are jumping into the fray. As a result, they developed a groundbreaking solution that only takes 6 seconds a day. Scientists from Augusta University, together with leading brain physician Dr. Kenji Kanamaro, have developed a natural way to stop this communication breakdown. This simple habit only takes 6 seconds a day and is shown to produce new decoder cells in the retina.

Once these critical retina cells are replenished, those electrical image signals can be efficiently decoded and sent to the brain. As a result, crystal clear eyesight is restored. While it may not work for everyone, these researchers have reported dramatic results and remarkable eyesight improvement in study subjects.

They put together a brief presentation to educate the public about this new eyesight-restoring development. So anyone struggling with vision loss, including age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and beyond, are encouraged to click the link below to watch:

>>Click Here to Watch this Free Vision-Saving Presentation.


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